After Two Weeks on the Trail: Respite at Dinsmore's Hiker Haven and Gearing Up for the Journey Ahead

Finally, I was just a few minutes away from finding a ride to Dinsmore's Hiker Haven.

A place I only found out about a day or two ago.

It was better than getting a hotel for a night because Dinsmore Hiker Haven took donations but did not expect you to pay anything.

After getting a description of the car I walked for a minute to find it.

Spotted it.

He was sitting waiting for someone who had scheduled a ride with them a few months in advance.

I got in waiting.

We chatted for a bit.

The next guy came to Skykomish for the hotel he booked.

We all chatted and got to know one another a bit.

At some point, I talked about my past relationship.

We got to Skykomish and dropped off the other guy at the bakery.

This is where the driver told me this bakery has the best pizzas.

Once you get settled in and want a ride back up let me know I will take you.

I keep that in mind.

Now on our way to Dinsmore's Hiker Haven.

The driver started talking about how he got a heart transplant from a hiker in the past.

So the driver wanted to support other hikers in any way he could.

Driver "Driving hikers around is just one way I give back"

"You seem pretty open sexually"

I said "What do you mean"

Not sure what he was talking about.

the driver said "When you talked about your ex you brought up something about sex"

Me "Oh, ok, and?"

Driver "Well you will most likely be the only one in the hiker's hut tonight"

Me "Why is that"

Forgetting it is 2020 and in the middle of the pandemic.

Driver "There have not been too many people on trail this year."

Me "Ohh sweet a place to myself"

Driver "If you like I could come by later tonight and give you a blow job"

Me "Ohh I am sorry I am not into guys"

Driver "Have you ever tried it before?"

Me "No, I have never been interested in it"

Driver "How do you know if you never tried it"

Me "I never really found guys cute. There may be one or two in the past that were good looking but that is all I thought nothing more nothing less."

Driver "Well if you change your mind you have my number"

Me "My mind will not change but thank you"

We pulled up to the hiker's hut.

Making a funny face because I am trying to keep up with moments of maddness even though I stopped about a week ago.

I got to know Dinsmore (I think this was his name) he showed me around and went back to his house.

I hopped in the shower.

Texted the driver back because I wanted food and a lot of it.

The bakery was on my mind.

I know I could have hitched hiked but this was the quickest way to the bakery before they closed.

He got back to pick me up.

After driving for a bit the driver said "Have you changed your mind about tonight"

I told him "No"

The car ride was a bit silent.

We got to the bakery in Skykomish.

I went inside and got a large meatsa pizza.

This Pizza had all the meat on it.

I got a ride from the same person back to the hiker's hut.

The car ride was mostly silent as well.

Once I got back I took a bit of the pizza and it was one of the best tasting pizzas I have ever had.

It tasted like they drizzled some maple syrup on the top before cooking it.

Leaving a few places for the morning I decided to shower and get some rest.

Before getting rest, I saw a sign on the wall saying if it is raining down here then it is snowing in the mountains.

The next morning I was not ready to hike.

Still exhausted I checked out what food was in the hiker box.

Roman was all I saw.

I ate so much Roman in the past I did not want to eat it on the trail.

So, I went across the street to the local shop to pick up some food and baby powder.

The baby powder was to help with the caffing.

I peeked up enough food for a week even though it was 78 ish miles to the next pass.

I always want to carry more food on me than needed at least by two or three days just in case something unexpected happens.

When I got back to the hut I called my mom to see about my car.

The transmission broke on me on my way back home from college.

So, I decided to sell it.

She told me someone bought it and It would be smart if I used the money to buy a Garmin InReach.

The Garmin InReach was one of the things recommended by the first trail angle I came across.

The InReach is a GPS device that will send help to your location if you hit the SOS button.

I did not mind hiking without it but my mom would have had a heart attack if she could not get ahold of me for another week or two.

I told her to buy it with the money from the car and send it to me at the hotel at the stopping point.

She also put in a few packets of food for me so I did not have to buy as much when I got there.

Once I got off the phone with my mom I chatted to the owner of the hikers hut.

He told me a story about when he had a black bear walk onto his property once.

His dog ran outside and chased it away.

I was shocked.

He had a little dachshund.

I did not think such a big and scary animal would be chased off by a dog the bear could take out in one swipe.

I went back into the hiker's hut to rest for the day and read the sign again.

If it is raining down here then it is showing in the mountains in September.

It was mid August but September was right around the corner.

I decided even if I did not feel ready tomorrow I needed to leave.

I packed my bag, showered, and chilled for the last night.

The next morning I texted the same driver who dropped me off to see if they could give me a ride again.

No, response.

So I walked out to the main road and stuck out my thumb.

Making sure whoever picked me up had a good area to slow down and pull over.

Maybe five minutes went by and I was picked up.

I told the guy about my story of hiking the PCT and he told me what his plans were.

He happened to be peaking mountains and base jumping.

I thought that was so exciting because I have always wanted to base jump myself.

The only thing holding me back was how much money I had to buy the gear.

Then it was time.

He dropped me off and I was ready.

Ready to start the next section.

My name is Romell and I will bring you along on my journey of self discovery!

I hope some of my stories help give you the confidence to explore if you have been afraid to do so.

I am also bringing this to you without ads and will be giving my honest opinion about the gear and other things I have learned along my journey.

If you like to support me please visit my Patreon page where I will upload the film photos I have taken! You will find it in the circle with the chain link inside on the left.

I have also added my Pinterest if you like to visit. It is the circle on the right with the chain link in it!

If you don't have money to support share the blog with your friends!

Thank you, I will continue the story! I hope to see you next time!!


72 Miles, 4 Days: Lakeside Bliss on the Pacific Crest Trail


Solitude and Serenity: On the PCT with Three Days of Complete Isolation"