My First Steps to the Pacific Crest Trail!
It was July 29th, 2020 when I hopped on a plane for the first time!
I followed my dreams but did not know what to expect with my next steps.
All I remember is it was exciting to get one step closer to the Pacific Crest Trail.
I prepared myself with gear, maps, and knowledge to ensure I was ready for the start of my journey.
I planned to be on the trail for six months only having hiked in a class three days, 21 miles, and seven miles a day.
My plane takes off leaving my friends, family, and cat (Tempus) behind. I got to see the world from another perspective.
Seeing massive lakes that look like puddles from above.
Meandering rivers where it was easier to see where they broke off from the old routes of the past.
Just a few hours later I was on the other side of the country where I saw the mountain peaks.
Which I would be hiking up in a few days. One of them stood out Mount Rainier also known as Tahoma.
All the peaks were jaw dropping but looked so small from so high up.
As quickly as mountains came they left and I saw Seattle for the first time.
The plane landed and it was off to find an outdoor shop to pick up the last few things I needed.
Bear spray, gas canister for camp stove, and knife because I could not take them on the plain.
I found a train into the city.
As I got off the train and onto the bus I took my time and enjoyed seeing a new place for the first time.
I found a bus to get closer to the outdoor shop but still slowly wandered around the city.
I got to the outdoor shop. Picked up what I needed and headed to the next bus.
Once I got on I only had a one minute difference to catch the next bus.
We showed up 5 minutes late to the next stop. I had the option to get a hotel and get the first bus in the morning or get a taxi.
They both cost about the same price so I pick the taxi.
I thought it would be better than having to figure it out in the morning.
Once I got to the trail angles place I unpacked my sleeping gear and slept on the back porch.
I went to grab some food for the two weeks I planned to be on the trail without resupplying.
I got a few freeze dried meals and the rest I was told I could pick out of a hiker box. Once I finished it was time for us to go.
I was asked if I could fill up the tank for the trail angles to get me to Mazama about 120 miles away.
I was more than happy to otherwise I would be walking/hitchhiking.
All of this was happening so fast. We moved on and headed farther into the valley.
I didn't have anything to say because I was taken back by the beauty of the area! The camera does not do it any justice.
We came to a stop after a good 40 minutes of driving. We arrived at Diablo Lake!
I could not believe there was still snow on the peaks of the mountains.
I was told they were glaciers but in my mind, glaciers were massive not small dots of snow.
Back on the road we went. Once we got to Mazama I was dropped off at a hiker hut.
This hiker hut was owned by the first recorded woman to hike all of the Pacific Crest Trail (Ravensong).
She also happened to be going on a trip in her own backyard exploring different places she had never seen.
She told me someone just finished a mosaic peace in her bathroom.
It was gorgeous Canada on one side and Mexico on the other. The emblem for the trail is on the back wall.
We set off to find a ride to the campsite near the road up to Harts Pass.
While waiting at the gas station we got picked up by a kind old man who dropped us off at the campsite right under the road we needed to head up.
We stored our food in the outhouse next to the site.
I did think this was gross but for my first time being in a place with bears it was definitely better than being woken up in the middle of the night.
I woke up had breakfast and Ravensong was ready and just started hiking up the road to harts pass.
My first time packing up it was slow. I started heading up the road and ended up finding a ride up after a mile or so of hiking.
Ravensong got about three miles up before she hopped in the car.
The person giving us a ride lost their phone so drove back up to find it broken in shattered on the road.
Once we got to the top Ravensong ran off as I started talking to someone who was going Northbound (NOBO) and just finished the trail.
I planned on going Southbound (SOBO) so I could hop in the water at the beach at the end.
Instead of bringing the two weeks of food with me to the Canadian border, I put most of it in a Hiker box.
I took about six days of food with me for my 60 mile out and back trip.
After, chatting with the NOBO I decided to get moving.
I started hiking knowing I needed to get about 18 miles a day to make good time.
Wild Flowers Everywhere!
Once I got to this open area I started to get dizzy and lightheaded.
I found a spot to sit down for lunch.
My name is Romell and I will bring you along on my journey of self discovery!
I hope some of my stories help give you the confidence to explore. If you have been afraid to do so.
I am also bringing this to you without ads and will be giving my honest opinion about the gear and other things I have learned along my journey.
If you like to support me please visit my Patreon page where I will upload the film photos I have taken! You will find it in the circle with the chain link inside on the left.
I have also added my Pinterest if you like to visit. It is the circle on the right with the chain link in it!
If you don't have money to share please send this to a friend you know will enjoy it!
I will continue the story! I hope to see you next time!