The Canadian Border on the Pacific Crest Trail

While light headed, I kept walking up the hill. Until I got to a spot that was flat and shady

I found a nice rock to sit on. I opened my pack and pulled out a plastic jar of peanut butter, tortillas, honey, and dried veggies.

I don't know why I grabbed the dried veggies.

They felt heavy and I had no clue what to mix them with. I put everything in the tortillas.

After Eating and getting some water in me I started feeling better.

I waited a bit longer to make sure I was good but knew I needed to get moving.

The goal was about 18 miles into Holman Pass.

Seeing some great views along the way.

forgetting to take photos because I was stunned by the landscape.

Once I got to Holman Pass I slept next to a down tree and chatted with the cupule on the other side.

The next morning Ravensong popped up while I was putting my tent up.

She said "Hello, it looks like you made it. I asked, "where did you camp?" "Oh back by the creek" she stated.

We chatted for a bit then she went off a different trail.

I packed up and kept moving. Next stop, Hopkins Lake!

On my way there I saw this old man's hiking stick. It looked kind of like a cane with a ball at the top of it.

This is when we were on the side of a rocky switchback.

You could see the old trail up high, it was just a line slightly tanner brown than the rest of the rocks.

I saw amazing views all day. I didn't think to take out my phone.

When I got to Hopkins Lake, the mosquitos came out. I set up my tent as quickly as I could and started cooking.

Once I finished I was trying to eat sitting down but they would not stop biting.

So, I got up and took a few steps, and stopped to take a bite.

Back on me again. I took a few steps and stopped again.

One flew over my bowl and fork. It landed on my hand.

I turned around with a swarm around my face, walking through it.

Started walking in a triangle to keep them off me and eating while moving.

Doing this for a bit I decided to eat in my tent in peace. I forgot my bug spray.

I cleaned up after, stored my food in the scent prof in my tent (I do not recommend this, I was told they decided to put grizzly back in the wood), got some rest.

Tomorrow I hit the border.

I got up, ate, and started walking leaving my tent with some food behind.

While I was moving this group of four people passed me.

A saw hammock with a one person tent next to it.

I understood why I was told not to get one at the outdoor shop.

The only thing you could do was lie down in it. Good, I got a two person tent. It sleeps me and my backpack.

I tagged the border!

Yes, I can start my hike southward!

I wrote my name and a message. "Find your moment of maddness" I told myself after watching School Of Life on YouTube.

They have a video saying everyone needs a moment of madness. I wanted to add a moment of madness to my hike.

Every day I will find a new moment of madness.

I took some photos!

The solo hiker with an impromptu camera setup on the ground leaning against my bag

How can two countries be divided with only a strip of clear cut woods separating them.

It was time for my first moment of madness.

On I went, back to my campsite.

Searching to see if I packed any bug spray anywhere.

I cooked and ran into my tent killing the few bloodsucker that got in.

When I was done, I cleaned up and got some rest.

Day Two moment of maddness. I did the first thing that came to my head.

I packed up quickly needing to move and got to get away from these bugs. I packed and headed out.

On my way up I passed a group of three people. I stopped and talked to them for a bit.

Two of them hiked and met on the PCT together and now dating.

The other one ran marathons so they knew they would could keep up.

They hiked 30 miles from Harts Pass to the border and today they were heading back.

They passed me yesterday in a group of four but now only three.

Their other friend was trying to beat a record of the fastest time hiking through Washington and more if they had a good pace.

I said goodbye, I started to think about it. Who I spent my time around. Who I called friends.

I didn't have the best people around me before.

Some of them are good people but lost looking for themself in a world that does not want them to do so.

Loving the panorama at the moment because it is so beautiful all around me.

I remember this spot. The snow had a red tint on it. I didn't remember the view was so gorgeous on both sides.

Soon after I found a spot to camp out for the night.

Day 3 moment of maddness

Hiking has already zapped the energy out of me but I need to keep moving.

This trail is not going to hike itself.

I sat down to have lunch looking down the valley. Next, to the water. I could cook, clean, and fill my water bottles if needed.

On my way back to pick up all my food from Harts Pass.

Asking the campground host if they had any bug spray I could buy off them.

They told me not to worry about it.

They had three different kinds.

Two in these small bottles or the big spay can that is almost empty.

I pick one of the small bottles.

They asked me if I caught up with the people who left without putting out their fire.

Please do not leave a fire going without putting it out before you go. It could burn down woods.

It was getting dark and I wanted to make it to Grass Hopper Pass.

On the map, I saw a water source right before I got there. When I got there I only had one liter of water.

The pass was right there and I saw water walking downhill. Tried from the day I kept walking.

I needed to conserve water so I ate something quick and went to bed.

My name is Romell and I will bring you along on my journey of self discovery!

I hope some of my stories help give you the confidence to explore. If you have been afraid to do so.

I am also bringing this to you without ads and will be giving my honest opinion about the gear and other things I have learned along my journey.

If you like to support me please visit my Patreon page where I will upload the film photos I have taken! You will find it in the circle with the chain link inside on the left.

I have also added my Pinterest if you like to visit. It is the circle on the right with the chain link in it!

If you don't have money to share please send this to a friend you know will enjoy it!

I will continue the story! I hope to see you next time!


Adventures Thought Rainy Pass: Embracing the Wilderness


My First Steps to the Pacific Crest Trail!