Adventures Thought Rainy Pass: Embracing the Wilderness
Day 3 of Moment of Maddness, I woke up and did the first thing that came to my head.
Day 4 moment of Maddeness
Jumping with my legs spread apart because I was chaffing so bad.
I don’t remember what days and how far I hiked during some of these videos so I added them here.
Now back to may way down to Rainy Pass.
I only had one litter of water. I cooked some oatmeal and drank a little bit of the water.
I was not too worried about it because there was a river in a mile or so.
When I walked upon the river a guy was resting drying out his tent and bag.
Me being thirsty and not seeing a spot near him to get down I walked to the other side and filtered some water.
I keep moving.
I didn't take too many photos because I got lost in the beauty of the area around me. I just forgot.
There was so much beauty all around me.
I crossed over Cutthroat Pass and had a few more miles until I made it to the campsites at Rainy Pass.
Walking past the parking lot I saw this guy with a machete walking past.
I was a little bit confused but did not think much of it.
I tried to push it a bit farther to a campsite for PCT hikers because I was worried about the other ones reserving a spot.
I started to feel it. I started to chaff a little bit.
Exhausted and passing another campsite I just went for it.
They had a bear canister for you to put your food in.
After, I cooked a little ways away from my campsite.
I decided to store my food in the bear canister and pass out.
Waking up physically and mentally drained.
I knew I needed to keep moving. I packed up and headed back to the trail.
Back on the trail and turning the first bend I saw a black bear on the trail walking towards me.
I stopped!
I said loudly "Hay bear go away bear"
It kept walking towards me. I started walking backward.
It stopped and moved a rock in the ground about the size of two footballs put together with ease.
I thought I upset it and kept walking backward while facing it.
I went around the corner and saw the bear run off into the woods.
It went in the direction of my campsite so I pushed on.
I keep walking to find bear prints on the trail.
I started singing!
Anything that came to mind was what was coming out of my mouth.
I saw some beautiful waterfalls and rivers in this area.
I did not want to stay too long because I thought the bears would not hear me over the sounds of the water.
It was about a mile or 2 when I was not worried about bears anymore and stopped singing.
This lady walked up to me and told me about her encounter with a bear.
She said, " I walked around a corner, and in the bush, there was a bear just inches away from my face."
I told her of my encounter and what I did afterwards and we both went on our merry way.
I didn't see too many more people after her but I did run into another bear.
It was sitting there eating berries off a bush.
I screamed "Hey Bear Go Away Bear"
I did it again "Hey Bear Go Away Bear"
This time it got up and started moving away from me and the trail.
I wanted to push on to make it to the bus that took you to Stehekin.
A little ways before Stehekin I ran into this man.
He ask me “ How is i going”
I told him “I am in pain because I am chaffing and have been so for the past five days.”
He gave me his neosporin and said “ I am almost done with the trail and don’t need it anymore.
Once you get into town find some baby powder to you.”
I thanked him put some one when he left.
It was 4:30pm and the last bus leaves at 5pm to Stehekin.
I would make it with less than half a mile to go.
Then I saw a sign that said PCT pointing back up the way I came.
Worried I missed a turn I ran back up the hill.
At the top, there was someone who told me I could have gone either way so went back the way I came.
Once I saw a building and a road.
I saw a bus driving away.
Thinking if I had not listened to the sign then I would have made the bus and could have got something to help with the chafing.
I found a campsite near the road and chatted with a ranger.
I told him about my bear encounter and he told me " You must have ran into an albino black bear" (because it looked brown)
When the bear moved the rock he thought I ruined its breakfast and it morning.
He said "The bear was probably looking for grub under the rock"
He finished with what he was doing and was on his way.
I set up my tent and went to sleep after I applied some more neosporin.
My moment of maddness for day 5 was seeing the bear and deciding to keep moving.
My name is Romell and I will bring you along on my journey of self discovery!
I hope some of my stories help give you the confidence to explore if you have been afraid to do so.
I am also bringing this to you without ads and will be giving my honest opinion about the gear and other things I have learned along my journey.
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Thank you, I will continue the story! I hope to see you next time!!