Snoqualmie Pass Rest and Relaxation
The first thing I did when I got to my hotel room was take a shower.
Then I checked my mail to see what my mom had sent me for the next section of the trail.
I started to unpack the box.
The first thing I saw was a bear canister.
It was good timing as well because my scent-proof bags started to have small holes in them.
Inside the bear canister was all the food I needed for the next section of the trail.
I didnt have a day or two of breakfast items.
Later, I would check the gas station to see what they had.
I found the Garmin Inreach in the canister.
My mom preset a few messages so I could send her my location.
I got three messages I could use free of cost and could send as many as I wanted.
I am camping here.
I am stopping.
I am moving.
I was able to keep in contact with her as well as send my location as much as I wanted with these messages.
The thing I was most excited about in this package was the large pack of Reese's cups.
I had a few and then went outside to check out a few things in Snoqualmie Pass.
I also wanted to find a way to make it to an outdoor shop to get a new pair of shoes.
The shoes I had did not even last 200ish miles on the trail.
I was told when I got them they would last 400.
I should also get shoes half a size bigger just in case my feet swell.
While standing in the parking lot of Summit Inn someone asked me if I was hiking the PCT.
I told them I was and planned to find a ride to an outdoor shop.
After chatting with me for a bit.
They told me they work for one and would be able to give me a ride there and back.
I was grateful and offered them gas money.
They didn't want to take my money because they love helping hikers get what they need.
I also needed to stop at the post office to send some things to my mom, I did not need.
They were adding unnecessary weight to my bag.
They help me with both.
Once I got to the outdoor shop the cluck told me at first they did not want to give me a refund for my shoes.
The person who gave me a ride backed up my story about me getting off the PCT.
I told them I was told these shoes would last 400 miles but they barely lasted 200 miles.
If they lasted as long as I was told they would I would not ask for a refund.
So, they refunded me and I tried another brand of shoes.
This time I did not go half a size up because I thought my feet sliding around in them was what helped wear them out faster.
Once I got what I needed I got a ride back up to Summit in.
I put on my new shoes to break them in.
I walked over to the brewery across the street to grab a drink and get some food before I rest for the day.
Before I left I grabbed a can to drink on the trail.
I went back to my hotel room to get some rest and get ready for the next day.
I checked the weather to see what conditions I would be hiking in the next few days.
It was going to rain tomorrow night and the next day.
I was thinking of pushing through it.
Otherwise, I would have to pay for another day at the hotel.
I was not too worried about money but knew I would need to save for my long journey ahead.
The next morning I got up and packed.
I ate a big breakfast at the restaurant connected to Summit Inn.
I grabbed some pop tarts from the gas station because I needed breakfast for a few days.
I took a few photos of the beauty at Snoqualmie Pass and started up the trail.
It didnt look like the best day to be hiking but I needed to keep moving.
The sign in Dinsmore's Hiker Haven still in the back of my mind.
In September if it is raining down here then it is snowing in the mountains.
It was currently August 22nd and I still had some ways to go.
As I started my hike I took another photo of myself to say goodbye to this beautiful pass.
I was on my way.
Step after step slowly walking into the clouds.
I could not see much but knew I was going the right way.
My name is Romell and I will bring you along on my journey of self discovery!
I hope some of my stories help give you the confidence to explore if you have been afraid to do so.
I am also bringing this to you without ads and will be giving my honest opinion about the gear and other things I have learned along my journey.
If you like to support me please visit my Patreon page where I will upload the film photos I have taken! You will find it in the circle with the chain link inside on the left.
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Thank you, I will continue the story! I hope to see you next time!!